Her future had "bright" written all over it. A job lined up with the New Yorker, and a play she had written about to be produced at a theater festival, gave her reason to be excited about what lay ahead. Tragically though, her life was cut short by that accident.
Though she is primarily speaking to college-age peers, her words -- " . . . we must not lose this sense of possibility, because in the end it's all we have." -- can speak to all of us.
The power of possibilities is what inspires us to achieve beyond what we can imagine. If we lose this sense, then creativity quickly diminishes, and mediocre sets in -- a mediocre life, mediocre service, mediocre thoughts, mediocre actions, mediocre behaviors. However, as Marina says, "What we have to remember is we can still do anything. We can change our minds."
My suggestion is we do not have to be a recent college graduate to feel this way. No matter where we are in life, no matter what we have done up to now, we still have the potential, the possibility, of doing anything we want.
Let's keep within us this "sense of possibility" and focus on doing the work that matters. Thanks Marina for reminding us.
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